blob: 1176e0205dd880d5c653c1682e61a084ab577c07 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the flashrom project.
* Copyright (C) 2012, 2016 secunet Security Networks AG
* (Written by Nico Huber <> for secunet)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @mainpage
* Have a look at the Modules section for a function reference.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "flash.h"
#include "programmer.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "hwaccess.h"
#include "ich_descriptors.h"
#include "libflashrom.h"
* @defgroup flashrom-general General
* @{
/** Pointer to log callback function. */
static flashrom_log_callback *global_log_callback = NULL;
* @brief Initialize libflashrom.
* @param perform_selfcheck If not zero, perform a self check.
* @return 0 on success
int flashrom_init(const int perform_selfcheck)
if (perform_selfcheck && selfcheck())
return 1;
return 0;
* @brief Shut down libflashrom.
* @return 0 on success
int flashrom_shutdown(void)
return 0; /* TODO: nothing to do? */
/* TODO: flashrom_set_loglevel()? do we need it?
For now, let the user decide in his callback. */
* @brief Set the log callback function.
* Set a callback function which will be invoked whenever libflashrom wants
* to output messages. This allows frontends to do whatever they see fit with
* such messages, e.g. write them to syslog, or to file, or print them in a
* GUI window, etc.
* @param log_callback Pointer to the new log callback function.
void flashrom_set_log_callback(flashrom_log_callback *const log_callback)
global_log_callback = log_callback;
/** @private */
int print(const enum msglevel level, const char *const fmt, ...)
if (global_log_callback) {
int ret;
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
ret = global_log_callback(level, fmt, args);
return ret;
return 0;
/** @} */ /* end flashrom-general */
* @defgroup flashrom-query Querying
* @{
/* TBD */
/** @} */ /* end flashrom-query */
* @defgroup flashrom-prog Programmers
* @{
* @brief Initialize the specified programmer.
* Currently, only one programmer may be initialized at a time.
* @param[out] flashprog Points to a pointer of type struct flashrom_programmer
* that will be set if programmer initialization succeeds.
* *flashprog has to be shutdown by the caller with @ref
* flashrom_programmer_shutdown.
* @param[in] prog_name Name of the programmer to initialize.
* @param[in] prog_param Pointer to programmer specific parameters.
* @return 0 on success
int flashrom_programmer_init(struct flashrom_programmer **const flashprog,
const char *const prog_name, const char *const prog_param)
unsigned prog;
for (prog = 0; prog < PROGRAMMER_INVALID; prog++) {
if (strcmp(prog_name, programmer_table[prog].name) == 0)
msg_ginfo("Error: Unknown programmer \"%s\". Valid choices are:\n", prog_name);
list_programmers_linebreak(0, 80, 0);
return 1;
return programmer_init(prog, prog_param);
* @brief Shut down the initialized programmer.
* @param flashprog The programmer to shut down.
* @return 0 on success
int flashrom_programmer_shutdown(struct flashrom_programmer *const flashprog)
return programmer_shutdown();
/* TODO: flashrom_programmer_capabilities()? */
/** @} */ /* end flashrom-prog */
* @defgroup flashrom-flash Flash chips
* @{
* @brief Probe for a flash chip.
* Probes for a flash chip and returns a flash context, that can be used
* later with flash chip and @ref flashrom-ops "image operations", if
* exactly one matching chip is found.
* @param[out] flashctx Points to a pointer of type struct flashrom_flashctx
* that will be set if exactly one chip is found. *flashctx
* has to be freed by the caller with @ref flashrom_flash_release.
* @param[in] flashprog The flash programmer used to access the chip.
* @param[in] chip_name Name of a chip to probe for, or NULL to probe for
* all known chips.
* @return 0 on success,
* 3 if multiple chips were found,
* 2 if no chip was found,
* or 1 on any other error.
int flashrom_flash_probe(struct flashrom_flashctx **const flashctx,
const struct flashrom_programmer *const flashprog,
const char *const chip_name)
int i, ret = 2;
struct flashrom_flashctx second_flashctx = { 0, };
chip_to_probe = chip_name; /* chip_to_probe is global in flashrom.c */
*flashctx = malloc(sizeof(**flashctx));
if (!*flashctx)
return 1;
memset(*flashctx, 0, sizeof(**flashctx));
for (i = 0; i < registered_master_count; ++i) {
int flash_idx = -1;
if (!ret || (flash_idx = probe_flash(&registered_masters[i], 0, *flashctx, 0)) != -1) {
ret = 0;
/* We found one chip, now check that there is no second match. */
if (probe_flash(&registered_masters[i], flash_idx + 1, &second_flashctx, 0) != -1) {
ret = 3;
if (ret) {
*flashctx = NULL;
return ret;
* @brief Returns the size of the specified flash chip in bytes.
* @param flashctx The queried flash context.
* @return Size of flash chip in bytes.
size_t flashrom_flash_getsize(const struct flashrom_flashctx *const flashctx)
return flashctx->chip->total_size * 1024;
* @brief Free a flash context.
* @param flashctx Flash context to free.
void flashrom_flash_release(struct flashrom_flashctx *const flashctx)
* @brief Set a flag in the given flash context.
* @param flashctx Flash context to alter.
* @param flag Flag that is to be set / cleared.
* @param value Value to set.
void flashrom_flag_set(struct flashrom_flashctx *const flashctx,
const enum flashrom_flag flag, const bool value)
switch (flag) {
case FLASHROM_FLAG_FORCE: flashctx->flags.force = value; break;
case FLASHROM_FLAG_FORCE_BOARDMISMATCH: flashctx->flags.force_boardmismatch = value; break;
case FLASHROM_FLAG_VERIFY_AFTER_WRITE: flashctx->flags.verify_after_write = value; break;
case FLASHROM_FLAG_VERIFY_WHOLE_CHIP: flashctx->flags.verify_whole_chip = value; break;
* @brief Return the current value of a flag in the given flash context.
* @param flashctx Flash context to read from.
* @param flag Flag to be read.
* @return Current value of the flag.
bool flashrom_flag_get(const struct flashrom_flashctx *const flashctx, const enum flashrom_flag flag)
switch (flag) {
case FLASHROM_FLAG_FORCE: return flashctx->flags.force;
case FLASHROM_FLAG_FORCE_BOARDMISMATCH: return flashctx->flags.force_boardmismatch;
case FLASHROM_FLAG_VERIFY_AFTER_WRITE: return flashctx->flags.verify_after_write;
case FLASHROM_FLAG_VERIFY_WHOLE_CHIP: return flashctx->flags.verify_whole_chip;
default: return false;
/** @} */ /* end flashrom-flash */
* @defgroup flashrom-layout Layout handling
* @{
* @brief Mark given region as included.
* @param layout The layout to alter.
* @param name The name of the region to include.
* @return 0 on success,
* 1 if the given name can't be found.
int flashrom_layout_include_region(struct flashrom_layout *const layout, const char *name)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < layout->num_entries; ++i) {
if (!strcmp(layout->entries[i].name, name)) {
layout->entries[i].included = true;
return 0;
return 1;
* @brief Read a layout from the Intel ICH descriptor in the flash.
* Optionally verify that the layout matches the one in the given
* descriptor dump.
* @param[out] layout Points to a struct flashrom_layout pointer that
* gets set if the descriptor is read and parsed
* successfully.
* @param[in] flashctx Flash context to read the descriptor from flash.
* @param[in] dump The descriptor dump to compare to or NULL.
* @param[in] len The length of the descriptor dump.
* @return 0 on success,
* 6 if descriptor parsing isn't implemented for the host,
* 5 if the descriptors don't match,
* 4 if the descriptor dump couldn't be parsed,
* 3 if the descriptor on flash couldn't be parsed,
* 2 if the descriptor on flash couldn't be read,
* 1 on any other error.
int flashrom_layout_read_from_ifd(struct flashrom_layout **const layout, struct flashctx *const flashctx,
const void *const dump, const size_t len)
return 6;
struct ich_layout dump_layout;
int ret = 1;
void *const desc = malloc(0x1000);
struct ich_layout *const chip_layout = malloc(sizeof(*chip_layout));
if (!desc || !chip_layout) {
msg_gerr("Out of memory!\n");
goto _free_ret;
if (prepare_flash_access(flashctx, true, false, false, false))
goto _free_ret;
msg_cinfo("Reading ich descriptor... ");
if (flashctx->chip->read(flashctx, desc, 0, 0x1000)) {
msg_cerr("Read operation failed!\n");
ret = 2;
goto _finalize_ret;
if (layout_from_ich_descriptors(chip_layout, desc, 0x1000)) {
ret = 3;
goto _finalize_ret;
if (dump) {
if (layout_from_ich_descriptors(&dump_layout, dump, len)) {
ret = 4;
goto _finalize_ret;
if (chip_layout->base.num_entries != dump_layout.base.num_entries ||
memcmp(chip_layout->entries, dump_layout.entries, sizeof(dump_layout.entries))) {
ret = 5;
goto _finalize_ret;
*layout = (struct flashrom_layout *)chip_layout;
ret = 0;
if (ret)
return ret;
* @brief Free a layout.
* @param layout Layout to free.
void flashrom_layout_release(struct flashrom_layout *const layout)
if (layout == get_global_layout())
* @brief Set the active layout for a flash context.
* Note: This just sets a pointer. The caller must not release the layout
* as long as he uses it through the given flash context.
* @param flashctx Flash context whose layout will be set.
* @param layout Layout to bet set.
void flashrom_layout_set(struct flashrom_flashctx *const flashctx, const struct flashrom_layout *const layout)
flashctx->layout = layout;
/** @} */ /* end flashrom-layout */