blob: 8e3748e18554ae9059e73f152537badb60952943 [file] [log] [blame]
package body FILO.Blockdev is
procedure Read
(Buffer : out Buffer_Type;
Offset : in Blockdev_Offset;
Success : out Boolean)
SPARK_Mode => Off
use Interfaces.C;
Sector : constant unsigned_long := unsigned_long (Offset / BLOCK_SIZE);
Byte_Offset : constant unsigned_long := unsigned_long (Offset rem BLOCK_SIZE);
Byte_Len : constant unsigned_long := unsigned_long (Buffer'Length);
Buf : constant System.Address := Buffer'Address;
-- NOTE: C_devread returns 1 on success
function To_Success (Item : return Boolean is
(if Item = 1 then True else False);
-- With 32-bit longs, the current C interface
-- can't access more than 512 * 2 ** 32:
pragma Warnings (GNAT, Off, "condition can only be True if");
pragma Warnings (GNAT, Off, "condition is always False");
if Unsigned_64 (Offset / BLOCK_SIZE) > Unsigned_64 (unsigned_long'last) then
Success := False;
end if;
Success := To_Success (C_devread (Sector, Byte_Offset, Byte_Len, Buf));
end Read;
end FILO.Blockdev;