ext2: Rename Inode.Extents => Inode.Inline
diff --git a/src/filo-fs-ext2.adb b/src/filo-fs-ext2.adb
index 00a5985..cb3f7bf 100644
--- a/src/filo-fs-ext2.adb
+++ b/src/filo-fs-ext2.adb
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
       with Size => Inode_Extents'Length * 8;
       function I_Blocks is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Inode_Extents, Inode_Blocks);
-      function I_Blocks (State : T) return Inode_Blocks is (I_Blocks (State.Inode.Extents));
+      function I_Blocks (State : T) return Inode_Blocks is (I_Blocks (State.Inode.Inline));
       Block_Size : constant Natural := 2 ** State.Block_Size_Bits;
       Addr_Per_Block : constant FSBlock_Logical := FSBlock_Logical (Block_Size / 4);
@@ -511,10 +511,11 @@
       end Next_Ref;
-      Inode_Magic : constant Unsigned_16 := Header_Magic (State.Inode.Extents);
-      Inode_Entries : constant Natural := Header_Entries (State.Inode.Extents);
-      First_Logical : constant FSBlock_Logical := Extent_Logical (State.Inode.Extents, 1);
-      Depth : Natural := Header_Depth (State.Inode.Extents);
+      Inline_Extents : Ext2.Inode_Extents renames State.Inode.Inline;
+      Inode_Magic : constant Unsigned_16 := Header_Magic (Inline_Extents);
+      Inode_Entries : constant Natural := Header_Entries (Inline_Extents);
+      First_Logical : constant FSBlock_Logical := Extent_Logical (Inline_Extents, 1);
+      Depth : Natural := Header_Depth (Inline_Extents);
       Cache_Start, Cache_End : Max_Block_Index;
       Logical_Off, Length : FSBlock_Logical;
@@ -523,21 +524,21 @@
       Success :=
          Inode_Magic = Extent_Header_Magic and then
          Inode_Entries > 0 and then
-         Inode_Entries < State.Inode.Extents'Length / Extent_Header_Size and then
+         Inode_Entries < Inline_Extents'Length / Extent_Header_Size and then
          First_Logical <= Logical;
       if not Success then
          Physical := 0;
       end if;
-      Idx := Bin_Search (State.Inode.Extents, Inode_Entries);
+      Idx := Bin_Search (Inline_Extents, Inode_Entries);
       if Depth = 0 then
-         Physical := Extent_Physical (State.Inode.Extents, Idx);
-         Logical_Off := Extent_Logical (State.Inode.Extents, Idx);
-         Length := Extent_Length (State.Inode.Extents, Idx);
+         Physical := Extent_Physical (Inline_Extents, Idx);
+         Logical_Off := Extent_Logical (Inline_Extents, Idx);
+         Length := Extent_Length (Inline_Extents, Idx);
-         Physical := Index_Physical (State.Inode.Extents, Idx);
-         Logical_Off := Index_Logical (State.Inode.Extents, Idx);
+         Physical := Index_Physical (Inline_Extents, Idx);
+         Logical_Off := Index_Logical (Inline_Extents, Idx);
             Depth := Depth - 1;
@@ -655,7 +656,7 @@
                Inode_Flags (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), Inode_In_Block);
             State.Inode.Use_Extents := State.Feature_Extents and (I_Flags and EXT4_EXTENTS_FL) /= 0;
-            State.Inode.Extents := State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start + 40 .. Cache_Start + 100 - 1);
+            State.Inode.Inline := State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start + 40 .. Cache_Start + 100 - 1);
             Reset_Cache_Logical (State);
             State.S := File_Opened;
diff --git a/src/filo-fs-ext2.ads b/src/filo-fs-ext2.ads
index 03c05a9..a789d4b 100644
--- a/src/filo-fs-ext2.ads
+++ b/src/filo-fs-ext2.ads
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
    type Inode_Info is record
       Use_Extents : Boolean := False;
-      Extents     : Buffer_Type (Inode_Extents_Index) := (others => 16#00#);
+      Inline      : Buffer_Type (Inode_Extents_Index) := (others => 16#00#);
    end record;
    type T is record