blob: c0a7e3ddb444df6493961fabcc24ff1c6722cdb0 [file] [log] [blame]
with Interfaces;
use Interfaces;
package FILO is
type Partition_Length is range 0 .. Interfaces.Unsigned_64'Last;
subtype Partition_Offset is Partition_Length range 0 .. Partition_Length'Last - 1;
BLOCK_SIZE : constant := 512;
type Block_Offset is range 0 .. Partition_Offset'Last / BLOCK_SIZE;
subtype Index_Type is Natural range 0 .. Natural'Last - 1;
subtype Index_Type16 is Index_Type range 0 .. Index_Type'Last - 1;
subtype Index_Type32 is Index_Type16 range 0 .. Index_Type16'Last - 2;
type Buffer_Type is array (Index_Type range <>) of Unsigned_8;
function Read_LE16 (Buf : Buffer_Type; Off : Index_Type16) return Unsigned_16
(Shift_Left (Unsigned_16 (Buf (Off + 1)), 8) or Unsigned_16 (Buf (Off)))
Pre => Buf'First <= Off and Off + 1 <= Buf'Last;
function Read_LE32 (Buf : Buffer_Type; Off : Index_Type32) return Unsigned_32
(Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Buf (Off + 3)), 24) or
Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Buf (Off + 2)), 16) or
Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Buf (Off + 1)), 8) or
Unsigned_32 (Buf (Off)))
Pre => Buf'First <= Off and Off + 3 <= Buf'Last;
end FILO;