Add simpleid-1.0.5
diff --git a/simpleid/www/lib/gettext/ b/simpleid/www/lib/gettext/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00b9666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simpleid/www/lib/gettext/
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+   Copyright (c) 2005 Steven Armstrong <sa at c-area dot ch>
+   Copyright (c) 2009 Danilo Segan <>
+   Drop in replacement for native gettext.
+   This file is part of PHP-gettext.
+   PHP-gettext is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   PHP-gettext is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with PHP-gettext; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+LC_CTYPE        0
+LC_NUMERIC      1
+LC_TIME         2
+LC_COLLATE      3
+LC_ALL          6
+// LC_MESSAGES is not available if php-gettext is not loaded
+// while the other constants are already available from session extension.
+if (!defined('LC_MESSAGES')) {
+  define('LC_MESSAGES',	5);
+// Variables
+global $text_domains, $default_domain, $LC_CATEGORIES, $EMULATEGETTEXT, $CURRENTLOCALE;
+$text_domains = array();
+$default_domain = 'messages';
+/* Class to hold a single domain included in $text_domains. */
+class domain {
+  var $l10n;
+  var $path;
+  var $codeset;
+// Utility functions
+ * Return a list of locales to try for any POSIX-style locale specification.
+ */
+function get_list_of_locales($locale) {
+  /* Figure out all possible locale names and start with the most
+   * specific ones.  I.e. for sr_CS.UTF-8@latin, look through all of
+   * sr_CS.UTF-8@latin, sr_CS@latin, sr@latin, sr_CS.UTF-8, sr_CS, sr.
+   */
+  $locale_names = array();
+  $lang = NULL;
+  $country = NULL;
+  $charset = NULL;
+  $modifier = NULL;
+  if ($locale) {
+    if (preg_match("/^(?P<lang>[a-z]{2,3})"              // language code
+                   ."(?:_(?P<country>[A-Z]{2}))?"           // country code
+                   ."(?:\.(?P<charset>[-A-Za-z0-9_]+))?"    // charset
+                   ."(?:@(?P<modifier>[-A-Za-z0-9_]+))?$/",  // @ modifier
+                   $locale, $matches)) {
+      if (isset($matches["lang"])) $lang = $matches["lang"];
+      if (isset($matches["country"])) $country = $matches["country"];
+      if (isset($matches["charset"])) $charset = $matches["charset"];
+      if (isset($matches["modifier"])) $modifier = $matches["modifier"];
+      if ($modifier) {
+        if ($country) {
+          if ($charset)
+            array_push($locale_names, "${lang}_$country.$charset@$modifier");
+          array_push($locale_names, "${lang}_$country@$modifier");
+        } elseif ($charset)
+            array_push($locale_names, "${lang}.$charset@$modifier");
+        array_push($locale_names, "$lang@$modifier");
+      }
+      if ($country) {
+        if ($charset)
+          array_push($locale_names, "${lang}_$country.$charset");
+        array_push($locale_names, "${lang}_$country");
+      } elseif ($charset)
+          array_push($locale_names, "${lang}.$charset");
+      array_push($locale_names, $lang);
+    }
+    // If the locale name doesn't match POSIX style, just include it as-is.
+    if (!in_array($locale, $locale_names))
+      array_push($locale_names, $locale);
+  }
+  return $locale_names;
+ * Utility function to get a StreamReader for the given text domain.
+ */
+function _get_reader($domain=null, $category=5, $enable_cache=true) {
+    global $text_domains, $default_domain, $LC_CATEGORIES;
+    if (!isset($domain)) $domain = $default_domain;
+    if (!isset($text_domains[$domain]->l10n)) {
+        // get the current locale
+        $locale = _setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, 0);
+        $bound_path = isset($text_domains[$domain]->path) ?
+          $text_domains[$domain]->path : './';
+        $subpath = $LC_CATEGORIES[$category] ."/$";
+        $locale_names = get_list_of_locales($locale);
+        $input = null;
+        foreach ($locale_names as $locale) {
+          $full_path = $bound_path . $locale . "/" . $subpath;
+          if (file_exists($full_path)) {
+            $input = new FileReader($full_path);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (!array_key_exists($domain, $text_domains)) {
+          // Initialize an empty domain object.
+          $text_domains[$domain] = new domain();
+        }
+        $text_domains[$domain]->l10n = new gettext_reader($input,
+                                                          $enable_cache);
+    }
+    return $text_domains[$domain]->l10n;
+ * Returns whether we are using our emulated gettext API or PHP built-in one.
+ */
+function locale_emulation() {
+    global $EMULATEGETTEXT;
+    return $EMULATEGETTEXT;
+ * Checks if the current locale is supported on this system.
+ */
+function _check_locale_and_function($function=false) {
+    global $EMULATEGETTEXT;
+    if ($function and !function_exists($function))
+        return false;
+    return !$EMULATEGETTEXT;
+ * Get the codeset for the given domain.
+ */
+function _get_codeset($domain=null) {
+    global $text_domains, $default_domain, $LC_CATEGORIES;
+    if (!isset($domain)) $domain = $default_domain;
+    return (isset($text_domains[$domain]->codeset))? $text_domains[$domain]->codeset : ini_get('mbstring.internal_encoding');
+ * Convert the given string to the encoding set by bind_textdomain_codeset.
+ */
+function _encode($text) {
+    $source_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($text);
+    $target_encoding = _get_codeset();
+    if ($source_encoding != $target_encoding) {
+        return mb_convert_encoding($text, $target_encoding, $source_encoding);
+    }
+    else {
+        return $text;
+    }
+// Custom implementation of the standard gettext related functions
+ * Returns passed in $locale, or environment variable $LANG if $locale == ''.
+ */
+function _get_default_locale($locale) {
+  if ($locale == '') // emulate variable support
+    return getenv('LANG');
+  else
+    return $locale;
+ * Sets a requested locale, if needed emulates it.
+ */
+function _setlocale($category, $locale) {
+    if ($locale === 0) { // use === to differentiate between string "0"
+        if ($CURRENTLOCALE != '')
+            return $CURRENTLOCALE;
+        else
+            // obey LANG variable, maybe extend to support all of LC_* vars
+            // even if we tried to read locale without setting it first
+            return _setlocale($category, $CURRENTLOCALE);
+    } else {
+        if (function_exists('setlocale')) {
+          $ret = setlocale($category, $locale);
+          if (($locale == '' and !$ret) or // failed setting it by env
+              ($locale != '' and $ret != $locale)) { // failed setting it
+            // Failed setting it according to environment.
+            $CURRENTLOCALE = _get_default_locale($locale);
+            $EMULATEGETTEXT = 1;
+          } else {
+            $CURRENTLOCALE = $ret;
+            $EMULATEGETTEXT = 0;
+          }
+        } else {
+          // No function setlocale(), emulate it all.
+          $CURRENTLOCALE = _get_default_locale($locale);
+          $EMULATEGETTEXT = 1;
+        }
+        // Allow locale to be changed on the go for one translation domain.
+        global $text_domains, $default_domain;
+        if (array_key_exists($default_domain, $text_domains)) {
+            unset($text_domains[$default_domain]->l10n);
+        }
+        return $CURRENTLOCALE;
+    }
+ * Sets the path for a domain.
+ */
+function _bindtextdomain($domain, $path) {
+    global $text_domains;
+    // ensure $path ends with a slash ('/' should work for both, but lets still play nice)
+    if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows") {
+      if ($path[strlen($path)-1] != '\\' and $path[strlen($path)-1] != '/')
+        $path .= '\\';
+    } else {
+      if ($path[strlen($path)-1] != '/')
+        $path .= '/';
+    }
+    if (!array_key_exists($domain, $text_domains)) {
+      // Initialize an empty domain object.
+      $text_domains[$domain] = new domain();
+    }
+    $text_domains[$domain]->path = $path;
+ * Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAIN message catalog will be returned.
+ */
+function _bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, $codeset) {
+    global $text_domains;
+    $text_domains[$domain]->codeset = $codeset;
+ * Sets the default domain.
+ */
+function _textdomain($domain) {
+    global $default_domain;
+    $default_domain = $domain;
+ * Lookup a message in the current domain.
+ */
+function _gettext($msgid) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader();
+    return _encode($l10n->translate($msgid));
+ * Alias for gettext.
+ */
+function __($msgid) {
+    return _gettext($msgid);
+ * Plural version of gettext.
+ */
+function _ngettext($singular, $plural, $number) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader();
+    return _encode($l10n->ngettext($singular, $plural, $number));
+ * Override the current domain.
+ */
+function _dgettext($domain, $msgid) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader($domain);
+    return _encode($l10n->translate($msgid));
+ * Plural version of dgettext.
+ */
+function _dngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader($domain);
+    return _encode($l10n->ngettext($singular, $plural, $number));
+ * Overrides the domain and category for a single lookup.
+ */
+function _dcgettext($domain, $msgid, $category) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader($domain, $category);
+    return _encode($l10n->translate($msgid));
+ * Plural version of dcgettext.
+ */
+function _dcngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number, $category) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader($domain, $category);
+    return _encode($l10n->ngettext($singular, $plural, $number));
+ * Context version of gettext.
+ */
+function _pgettext($context, $msgid) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader();
+    return _encode($l10n->pgettext($context, $msgid));
+ * Override the current domain in a context gettext call.
+ */
+function _dpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader($domain);
+    return _encode($l10n->pgettext($context, $msgid));
+ * Overrides the domain and category for a single context-based lookup.
+ */
+function _dcpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid, $category) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader($domain, $category);
+    return _encode($l10n->pgettext($context, $msgid));
+ * Context version of ngettext.
+ */
+function _npgettext($context, $singular, $plural) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader();
+    return _encode($l10n->npgettext($context, $singular, $plural));
+ * Override the current domain in a context ngettext call.
+ */
+function _dnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader($domain);
+    return _encode($l10n->npgettext($context, $singular, $plural));
+ * Overrides the domain and category for a plural context-based lookup.
+ */
+function _dcnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural, $category) {
+    $l10n = _get_reader($domain, $category);
+    return _encode($l10n->npgettext($context, $singular, $plural));
+// Wrappers to use if the standard gettext functions are available,
+// but the current locale is not supported by the system.
+// Use the standard impl if the current locale is supported, use the
+// custom impl otherwise.
+function T_setlocale($category, $locale) {
+    return _setlocale($category, $locale);
+function T_bindtextdomain($domain, $path) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function()) return bindtextdomain($domain, $path);
+    else return _bindtextdomain($domain, $path);
+function T_bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, $codeset) {
+    // bind_textdomain_codeset is available only in PHP 4.2.0+
+    if (_check_locale_and_function('bind_textdomain_codeset'))
+        return bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, $codeset);
+    else return _bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, $codeset);
+function T_textdomain($domain) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function()) return textdomain($domain);
+    else return _textdomain($domain);
+function T_gettext($msgid) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function()) return gettext($msgid);
+    else return _gettext($msgid);
+function T_($msgid) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function()) return _($msgid);
+    return __($msgid);
+function T_ngettext($singular, $plural, $number) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function())
+        return ngettext($singular, $plural, $number);
+    else return _ngettext($singular, $plural, $number);
+function T_dgettext($domain, $msgid) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function()) return dgettext($domain, $msgid);
+    else return _dgettext($domain, $msgid);
+function T_dngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function())
+        return dngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number);
+    else return _dngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number);
+function T_dcgettext($domain, $msgid, $category) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function())
+        return dcgettext($domain, $msgid, $category);
+    else return _dcgettext($domain, $msgid, $category);
+function T_dcngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number, $category) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function())
+      return dcngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number, $category);
+    else return _dcngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number, $category);
+function T_pgettext($context, $msgid) {
+  if (_check_locale_and_function('pgettext'))
+      return pgettext($context, $msgid);
+  else
+      return _pgettext($context, $msgid);
+function T_dpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid) {
+  if (_check_locale_and_function('dpgettext'))
+      return dpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid);
+  else
+      return _dpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid);
+function T_dcpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid, $category) {
+  if (_check_locale_and_function('dcpgettext'))
+      return dcpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid, $category);
+  else
+      return _dcpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid, $category);
+function T_npgettext($context, $singular, $plural, $number) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function('npgettext'))
+        return npgettext($context, $singular, $plural, $number);
+    else
+        return _npgettext($context, $singular, $plural, $number);
+function T_dnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural, $number) {
+  if (_check_locale_and_function('dnpgettext'))
+      return dnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural, $number);
+  else
+      return _dnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural, $number);
+function T_dcnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural,
+                       $number, $category) {
+    if (_check_locale_and_function('dcnpgettext'))
+        return dcnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular,
+                           $plural, $number, $category);
+    else
+        return _dcnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular,
+                            $plural, $number, $category);
+// Wrappers used as a drop in replacement for the standard gettext functions
+if (!function_exists('gettext')) {
+    function bindtextdomain($domain, $path) {
+        return _bindtextdomain($domain, $path);
+    }
+    function bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, $codeset) {
+        return _bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, $codeset);
+    }
+    function textdomain($domain) {
+        return _textdomain($domain);
+    }
+    function gettext($msgid) {
+        return _gettext($msgid);
+    }
+    function _($msgid) {
+        return __($msgid);
+    }
+    function ngettext($singular, $plural, $number) {
+        return _ngettext($singular, $plural, $number);
+    }
+    function dgettext($domain, $msgid) {
+        return _dgettext($domain, $msgid);
+    }
+    function dngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number) {
+        return _dngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number);
+    }
+    function dcgettext($domain, $msgid, $category) {
+        return _dcgettext($domain, $msgid, $category);
+    }
+    function dcngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number, $category) {
+        return _dcngettext($domain, $singular, $plural, $number, $category);
+    }
+    function pgettext($context, $msgid) {
+        return _pgettext($context, $msgid);
+    }
+    function npgettext($context, $singular, $plural, $number) {
+        return _npgettext($context, $singular, $plural, $number);
+    }
+    function dpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid) {
+        return _dpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid);
+    }
+    function dnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural, $number) {
+        return _dnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural, $number);
+    }
+    function dcpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid, $category) {
+        return _dcpgettext($domain, $context, $msgid, $category);
+    }
+    function dcnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural,
+                         $number, $category) {
+      return _dcnpgettext($domain, $context, $singular, $plural,
+                          $number, $category);
+    }