blob: a4d594059215c62c99fdb45c1cbb6b4ca42a9234 [file] [log] [blame]
* SimpleID
* Copyright (C) Kelvin Mo 2009
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id$
* SimpleID upgrade script.
* This script performs various upgrades to SimpleID's storage backend, which
* are required for different versions of SimpleID.
* @package simpleid
* @since 0.7
* @filesource
* Access control for this script.
* If you are upgrading your SimpleID installation using the upgrade.php script,
* and you are not logged in as an administrator, you will need to modify the access
* check statement below.
* Change the TRUE to a FALSE to disable the access
* check. After finishing the upgrade, be sure to open this file again
* and change the FALSE back to a TRUE.
* @global bool $upgrade_access_check
$upgrade_access_check = TRUE;
/* ----- Do not modify anything following this line ------------------------- */
include_once "";
include_once "";
if (file_exists("config.php")) {
include_once "config.php";
} elseif (file_exists("")) {
include_once "";
} else {
die(t('No configuration file found. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for instructions on how to set up a configuration file.', array('!url' => '')));
include_once "config.default.php";
include_once "";
include_once "";
include_once "";
include_once "";
include_once "";
include_once "";
include_once SIMPLEID_STORE . ".store.php";
include "lib/xtemplate.class.php";
define('PRE_0_7_0_VERSION', '0.6.0 or earlier');
* This variable holds the upgrade functions for each version of SimpleID
* @global array $upgrade_functions
$upgrade_functions = array(
'0.9.0' => array('upgrade_config_inc_to_php', 'upgrade_delete_token'),
'0.7.0' => array('upgrade_rp_to_store', 'upgrade_token_to_store')
* This variable holds an instance of the XTemplate engine.
* @global object $xtpl
$xtpl = NULL;
* This variable holds the combined $_GET and $_POST superglobal arrays.
* @global array $GETPOST
$GETPOST = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
* Entry point for SimpleID upgrade script.
* @see user_init()
function upgrade_start() {
global $xtpl, $GETPOST;
$xtpl = new XTemplate('html/template.xtpl');
$xtpl->assign('version', SIMPLEID_VERSION);
$xtpl->assign('base_path', get_base_path());
$xtpl->assign('css', '@import url(' . get_base_path() . 'html/upgrade.css);');
$xtpl->assign('footer_doc', t('Documentation'));
$xtpl->assign('footer_support', t('Support'));
indirect_fatal_error(t('Identities directory not found. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for instructions on how to set up SimpleID.', array('!url' => '')));
if (!is_dir(SIMPLEID_CACHE_DIR) || !is_writeable(SIMPLEID_CACHE_DIR)) {
indirect_fatal_error(t('Cache directory not found or not writeable. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for instructions on how to set up SimpleID.', array('!url' => '')));
if (!is_dir(SIMPLEID_STORE_DIR) || !is_writeable(SIMPLEID_STORE_DIR)) {
indirect_fatal_error(t('Store directory not found or not writeable. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for instructions on how to set up SimpleID.', array('!url' => '')));
if ((@ini_get('register_globals') === 1) || (@ini_get('register_globals') === '1') || (strtolower(@ini_get('register_globals')) == 'on')) {
indirect_fatal_error(t('register_globals is enabled in PHP configuration, which is not supported by SimpleID. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for further information.', array('!url' => '')));
if (!bignum_loaded()) {
log_fatal('gmp/bcmath PHP extension not loaded.');
indirect_fatal_error(t('One or more required PHP extensions (%extension) is not loaded. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for further information on system requirements.', array('%extension' => 'gmp/bcmath', '!url' => '')));
if (!function_exists('preg_match')) {
log_fatal('pcre PHP extension not loaded.');
indirect_fatal_error(t('One or more required PHP extensions (%extension) is not loaded. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for further information on system requirements.', array('%extension' => 'pcre', '!url' => '')));
if (!function_exists('session_start')) {
log_fatal('session PHP extension not loaded.');
indirect_fatal_error(t('One or more required PHP extensions (%extension) is not loaded. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for further information on system requirements.', array('%extension' => 'session', '!url' => '')));
if (!function_exists('xml_parser_create_ns')) {
log_fatal('xml PHP extension not loaded.');
indirect_fatal_error(t('One or more required PHP extensions (%extension) is not loaded. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for further information on system requirements.', array('%extension' => 'xml', '!url' => '')));
if (!function_exists('hash')) {
log_fatal('hash PHP extension not loaded.');
indirect_fatal_error(t('One or more required PHP extensions (%extension) is not loaded. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for further information on system requirements.', array('%extension' => 'hash', '!url' => '')));
if (is_numeric(@ini_get('suhosin.get.max_value_length')) && (@ini_get('suhosin.get.max_value_length') < 1024)) {
log_fatal('suhosin.get.max_value_length < 1024');
indirect_fatal_error(t('suhosin.get.max_value_length is less than 1024, which will lead to problems. See the <a href="!url">manual</a> for further information on system requirements.', array('!url' => '')));
$q = (isset($GETPOST['q'])) ? $GETPOST['q'] : '';
$q = explode('/', $q);
$routes = array(
'upgrade-selection' => 'upgrade_selection',
'upgrade-apply' => 'upgrade_apply',
'.*' => 'upgrade_info'
simpleweb_run($routes, implode('/', $q));
* Displays the upgrade info page.
function upgrade_info() {
global $xtpl;
$xtpl->assign('token', get_form_token('upgrade_info'));
$xtpl->assign('intro', t('Use this script to update your installation whenever you upgrade to a new version of SimpleID.'));
$xtpl->assign('simpleid_docs', t('For more detailed information, see the <a href="!url">SimpleID documentation</a>.', array('!url' => '')));
$xtpl->assign('step1', t('<strong>Back up your installation</strong>. This process will change various files within your SimpleID installation and in case of emergency you may need to revert to a backup.'));
$xtpl->assign('step2', t('Install your new files in the appropriate location, as described in the <a href="!url">SimpleID documentation</a>.', array('!url' => '')));
$xtpl->assign('click_continue', t('When you have performed the steps above, click <strong>Continue</strong>.'));
$xtpl->assign('continue_button', t('Continue'));
$xtpl->assign('title', t('Upgrade'));
* Detects the current installed version of SimpleID, selects the individual upgrade
* functions applicable to this upgrade and displays the upgrade
* selection page.
function upgrade_selection() {
global $xtpl, $upgrade_access_check;
cache_expire(array('upgrade' => 0));
if (!validate_form_token($_POST['tk'], 'upgrade_info')) {
set_message(t('SimpleID detected a potential security attack. Please try again.'));
$functions = upgrade_get_functions();
if (count($functions) == 0) {
if (!$upgrade_access_check) {
$xtpl->assign('edit_upgrade_php', t('Remember to edit upgrade.php to check <code>$upgrade_access_check</code> back to <code>FALSE</code>.'));
$xtpl->assign('script_complete', t('Your SimpleID installation is up-to-date. This script is complete.'));
} else {
$handle = random_id();
cache_set('upgrade', $handle, $functions);
$xtpl->assign('handle', $handle);
$xtpl->assign('token', get_form_token('upgrade_selection'));
$xtpl->assign('click_continue', t('Click <strong>Continue</strong> to proceed with the upgrade.'));
$xtpl->assign('continue_button', t('Continue'));
$xtpl->assign('original_version', upgrade_get_version());
$xtpl->assign('this_version', SIMPLEID_VERSION);
$xtpl->assign('version_detected', t('The version of SimpleID you are updating from has been automatically detected.'));
$xtpl->assign('original_version_label', t('Original version'));
$xtpl->assign('this_version_label', t('Upgrade version'));
$xtpl->assign('title', t('Upgrade'));
* Applies the upgrade.
function upgrade_apply() {
global $xtpl, $upgrade_access_check;
if (!validate_form_token($_POST['tk'], 'upgrade_selection')) {
set_message(t('SimpleID detected a potential security attack. Please try again.'));
$results = '';
$functions = cache_get('upgrade', $_POST['handle']);
foreach ($functions as $function) {
$results .= call_user_func($function);
if (!$upgrade_access_check) {
$xtpl->assign('edit_upgrade_php', t('Remember to edit upgrade.php to check <code>$upgrade_access_check</code> back to <code>TRUE</code>.'));
$xtpl->assign('results', $results);
$xtpl->assign('upgrade_complete', t('Your SimpleID installation has been upgraded. Please check the results below for any errors.'));
cache_expire(array('upgrade' => 0));
$xtpl->assign('title', t('Upgrade'));
* Detects the current installed version of SimpleID
* The current installed version of SimpleID is taken from the {@link store_get() version}
* application setting. This setting is only available for versions 0.7 or later, so
* if it is absent we can assume it's prior to version 0.7.
* @return string the detected version, or the string '0.6.0 or earlier'
function upgrade_get_version() {
return store_get('version', '0.6.0 or earlier');
* Sets the current version of SimpleID.
* This function sets the version application setting via {@link store_get()}.
* A specific version can be specified, or it can be taken from {@link SIMPLEID_VERSION}.
* @param string $version the version to set
function upgrade_set_version($version = NULL) {
if ($version == NULL) $version = SIMPLEID_VERSION;
store_set('version', $version);
* Selects the upgrade functions applicable for this upgrade.
* The upgrade functions are specified by the {@link $upgrade_functions}
* variable. This variable is an associative array containing version numbers
* as keys and an array of upgrade function names as values. This function
* merges all the upgrade function names of the version between the current
* installed version and the upgraded version.
* @param string $version the version of SimpleID to upgrade from, calls
* {@link upgrade_get_version()} if not specified
* @return array an array of strings, containing the list of upgrade functions
* to call. The functions should be called in the same order as they appear
* in this array
function upgrade_get_functions($version = NULL) {
global $upgrade_functions;
if ($version == NULL) $version = upgrade_get_version();
$functions = array();
uksort($upgrade_functions, '_upgrade_version_reverse_sort');
foreach ($upgrade_functions as $upgrade_version => $upgrades) {
if (version_compare($version, $upgrade_version, '<')) {
$functions = array_merge($functions, $upgrades);
if (version_compare($version, SIMPLEID_VERSION, '<')) $functions[] = 'upgrade_set_version';
return $functions;
* Callback function for uksort() to reverse sort version numbers.
* @param string $a
* @param string $b
* @return int
function _upgrade_version_reverse_sort($a, $b) {
return -version_compare($a, $b);
* Determines whether the current user has permission to run this script.
* A user has permission to run this script if:
* - administrator=1 appears in the user's identity file; or
* - {@link $upgrade_access_check} is false
* If the user does not have permission, {@link upgade_access_denied()} is called
function upgrade_user_init() {
global $user, $upgrade_access_check;
if ($upgrade_access_check) {
if (($user == NULL) || ($user['administrator'] != 1)) upgrade_access_denied();
* Displays a page notifying the user that he or she does not have permission to
* run the upgrade script.
function upgrade_access_denied() {
global $xtpl;
$xtpl->assign('login_required', t('Access denied. You are not authorised to access this page. Please <a href="index.php?q=login">log in</a> as an administrator (a user whose identity file includes the line <code>administrator=1</code>).'));
$xtpl->assign('edit_upgrade_php', t('If you cannot log in, you will have to edit <code>upgrade.php</code> to bypass this access check. To do this:'));
$xtpl->assign('edit_upgrade_php1', t('With a text editor find the upgrade.php file.'));
$xtpl->assign('edit_upgrade_php2', t('There is a line inside your upgrade.php file that says <code>$upgrade_access_check = TRUE;</code>. Change it to <code>$upgrade_access_check = FALSE;</code>.'));
$xtpl->assign('edit_upgrade_php3', t('As soon as the upgrade.php script is done, you must change the file back to its original form with <code>$upgrade_access_check = TRUE;</code>.'));
$xtpl->assign('edit_upgrade_php4', t('To avoid having this problem in future, remember to log in to SimpleID as an administrator before you run this script.'));
$xtpl->assign('simpleid_docs', t('For more detailed information, see the <a href="!url">SimpleID documentation</a>.', array('!url' => '')));
$xtpl->assign('title', t('Access Denied'));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Moves the user's site preferences from the cache to the store.
* @since 0.7
function upgrade_rp_to_store() {
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
$filename = SIMPLEID_IDENTITIES_DIR . '/' . $file;
if ((filetype($filename) != "file") || (!preg_match('/^(.+)\.identity$/', $file, $matches))) continue;
$uid = $matches[1];
$user = user_load($uid);
$rp = cache_get('rp', $uid);
if ($rp != NULL) {
$user['rp'] = $rp;
cache_delete('rp', $uid);
* Moves the site token from the cache to the store.
* @since 0.7
function upgrade_token_to_store() {
$site_token = cache_get('token', SIMPLEID_BASE_URL);
if ($site_token != NULL) {
store_set('site-token', $site_token);
cache_delete('token', SIMPLEID_BASE_URL);
* Checks that has been renamed to config.php
* @since 0.9
function upgrade_config_inc_to_php() {
return '<p>You will need to rename <code></code> to <code>config.php</code>.</p>';
* Deletes the site-token setting for a more secure version
* @since 0.9
function upgrade_delete_token() {