Implement Extent_Block_Map for ext4 extents
diff --git a/src/filo-fs-ext2.adb b/src/filo-fs-ext2.adb
index d0f91cb..3f82377 100644
--- a/src/filo-fs-ext2.adb
+++ b/src/filo-fs-ext2.adb
@@ -297,6 +297,233 @@
       Success := False;
    end Ext2_Block_Map;
+   procedure Extent_Block_Map
+     (State       : in out T;
+      Logical     : in     FSBlock_Logical;
+      Physical    :    out FSBlock_Offset;
+      Success     :    out Boolean)
+   is
+      -- Extent blocks always start with a 12B header and contain 12B entries.
+      -- Every entry starts with the number of the first logical block it
+      -- covers. Entries are sorted by this number.
+      -- Depth > 0 blocks have index entries, referencing further extent blocks.
+      -- Depth = 0 blocks have extent entries, referencing a contiguous range
+      -- of data blocks.
+      --
+      --                           +-----------------+
+      --                       .-> | Hdr depth=0     |
+      --                       |   +-----------------+
+      --                       |   | Extent   0.. 12 |
+      --    +-------------+    |   +-----------------+
+      --    | Hdr depth=1 |    |   | Extent  13.. 13 |
+      --    +-------------+    |   +-----------------+
+      --    | Index     0 | --'    | Extent  14..122 |
+      --    +-------------+        +-----------------+
+      --    | Index   123 | --.
+      --    +-------------+    |   +-----------------+
+      --                       `-> | Hdr depth=0     |
+      --                           +-----------------+
+      --                           | Extent 123..125 |
+      --                           +-----------------+
+      --                           | Extent 126..234 |
+      --                           +-----------------+
+      --
+      Extent_Header_Size : constant := 12;
+      Extent_Header_Magic : constant := 16#f03a#;
+      subtype Extent_Off is Natural range 0 .. Extent_Header_Size;
+      subtype Extent_Idx is Natural range 1 .. (Max_Block_Index'Last + 1) / Extent_Header_Size - 1;
+      function Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx : Extent_Idx; Off : Extent_Off) return Natural
+      is
+         (Idx * Extent_Header_Size + Off);
+      function Header_Magic (Buf : Buffer_Type) return Unsigned_16
+      is
+         (Read_LE16 (Buf, 0))
+      with
+         Pre => Buf'Length >= 2;
+      function Header_Entries (Buf : Buffer_Type) return Natural
+      is
+         (Natural (Read_LE16 (Buf, 2)))
+      with
+         Pre => Buf'Length >= 4;
+      function Header_Depth (Buf : Buffer_Type) return Natural
+      is
+         (Natural (Read_LE16 (Buf, 6)))
+      with
+         Pre => Buf'Length >= 8;
+      function Index_Logical (Buf : Buffer_Type; Idx : Extent_Idx) return FSBlock_Logical
+      is
+         (FSBlock_Logical (Read_LE32 (Buf, Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 0))))
+      with
+         Pre => Buf'Length >= Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 4);
+      function Index_Physical (Buf : Buffer_Type; Idx : Extent_Idx) return FSBlock_Offset
+      is
+         (FSBlock_Offset
+            (Shift_Left (Unsigned_64 (Read_LE16 (Buf, Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 8))), 32) or
+                                       Unsigned_64 (Read_LE32 (Buf, Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 4)))))
+      with
+         Pre => Buf'Length >= Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 10);
+      function Extent_Logical (Buf : Buffer_Type; Idx : Extent_Idx) return FSBlock_Logical
+      renames Index_Logical;
+      function Extent_Length (Buf : Buffer_Type; Idx : Extent_Idx) return FSBlock_Logical
+      is
+         (FSBlock_Logical (Read_LE16 (Buf, Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 4))))
+      with
+         Pre => Buf'Length >= Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 6);
+      function Extent_Physical (Buf : Buffer_Type; Idx : Extent_Idx) return FSBlock_Offset
+      is
+         (FSBlock_Offset
+            (Shift_Left (Unsigned_64 (Read_LE16 (Buf, Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 6))), 32) or
+                           Unsigned_64 (Read_LE32 (Buf, Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 8)))))
+      with
+         Pre => Buf'Length >= Extent_Byte_Offset (Idx, 12);
+      function Bin_Search (Buf : Buffer_Type; Refs : Extent_Idx) return Extent_Idx
+      with
+         Pre => Refs in 1 .. Extent_Idx (Buf'Length / Extent_Header_Size - 1) and
+                  Extent_Logical (Buf, 1) <= Logical,
+         Post => Bin_Search'Result in 1 .. Refs and
+                  Extent_Logical (Buf, Bin_Search'Result) <= Logical
+      is
+         Left : Extent_Idx := 1;
+         Right : Extent_Idx := Refs;
+      begin
+         while Left <= Right loop
+            declare
+               Mid : constant Extent_Idx := (Left + Right) / 2;
+               Ext_Logical : constant FSBlock_Logical := Extent_Logical (Buf, Mid);
+            begin
+               if Logical < Ext_Logical then
+                  Right := Mid - 1;
+               else
+                  Left := Mid + 1;
+               end if;
+            end;
+         end loop;
+         return Left - 1;
+      end Bin_Search;
+      procedure Next_Ref
+        (Current     : in     FSBlock_Offset;
+         Logical_Off : in     FSBlock_Logical;
+         Depth       : in     Natural;
+         Next        :    out Extent_Idx;
+         Cache_Start :    out Max_Block_Index;
+         Cache_End   :    out Max_Block_Index;
+         Success     :    out Boolean)
+      with
+         Pre => Logical_Off <= Logical,
+         Post => (if Success then
+                     Extent_Logical (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), Next) <= Logical)
+      is
+         Block_Size : constant Natural := 2 ** State.Block_Size_Bits;
+         Dynamic_Max_Index : constant Natural := Block_Size / Extent_Header_Size - 1;
+      begin
+         Cache_FSBlock
+           (State       => State,
+            Phys        => Current,
+            Level       => Depth,
+            Logical_Off => Logical_Off,
+            Cache_Start => Cache_Start,
+            Cache_End   => Cache_End,
+            Success     => Success);
+         if not Success then
+            Next := 1;
+            return;
+         end if;
+         declare
+            Hdr_Magic : constant Unsigned_16 :=
+               Header_Magic (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End));
+            Hdr_Entries : constant Natural :=
+               Header_Entries (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End));
+            Hdr_Depth : constant Natural :=
+               Header_Depth (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End));
+            First_Logical : constant FSBlock_Logical :=
+               Extent_Logical (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), 1);
+         begin
+            Success := Success and then
+               Hdr_Magic = Extent_Header_Magic and then
+               Hdr_Depth = Depth and then
+               Hdr_Entries <= Dynamic_Max_Index and then
+               First_Logical = Logical_Off;
+            if not Success then
+               Next := 1;
+            else
+               Next := Bin_Search (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), Hdr_Entries);
+            end if;
+         end;
+      end Next_Ref;
+      Inode_Magic : constant Unsigned_16 := Header_Magic (State.Inode_Extents);
+      Inode_Entries : constant Natural := Header_Entries (State.Inode_Extents);
+      First_Logical : constant FSBlock_Logical := Extent_Logical (State.Inode_Extents, 1);
+      Depth : Natural := Header_Depth (State.Inode_Extents);
+      Cache_Start, Cache_End : Max_Block_Index;
+      Logical_Off, Length : FSBlock_Logical;
+      Idx : Extent_Idx;
+   begin
+      Success :=
+         Inode_Magic = Extent_Header_Magic and then
+         Inode_Entries > 0 and then
+         Inode_Entries < State.Inode_Extents'Length / Extent_Header_Size and then
+         First_Logical <= Logical;
+      if not Success then
+         Physical := 0;
+         return;
+      end if;
+      Idx := Bin_Search (State.Inode_Extents, Inode_Entries);
+      if Depth = 0 then
+         Physical := Extent_Physical (State.Inode_Extents, Idx);
+         Logical_Off := Extent_Logical (State.Inode_Extents, Idx);
+         Length := Extent_Length (State.Inode_Extents, Idx);
+      else
+         Physical := Index_Physical (State.Inode_Extents, Idx);
+         Logical_Off := Index_Logical (State.Inode_Extents, Idx);
+         loop
+            Depth := Depth - 1;
+            Next_Ref
+              (Current     => Physical,
+               Logical_Off => Logical_Off,
+               Depth       => Depth,
+               Next        => Idx,
+               Cache_Start => Cache_Start,
+               Cache_End   => Cache_End,
+               Success     => Success);
+            if not Success then
+               return;
+            end if;
+            exit when Depth = 0;
+            Physical := Index_Physical (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), Idx);
+            Logical_Off := Index_Logical (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), Idx);
+         end loop;
+         Physical := Extent_Physical (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), Idx);
+         Logical_Off := Extent_Logical (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), Idx);
+         Length := Extent_Length (State.Block_Cache (Cache_Start .. Cache_End), Idx);
+      end if;
+      Success :=
+         Length > 0 and then
+         Logical_Off <= FSBlock_Logical'Last - Length + 1 and then
+         Logical < Logical_Off + Length;
+      if Success then
+         Physical := Physical + FSBlock_Offset (Logical - Logical_Off);
+      end if;
+   end Extent_Block_Map;
    procedure Open
      (State       : in out T;
       File_Len    :    out File_Length;