Start ISO9660 support
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a594a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+set -e
+tmp=$(mktemp -d)
+trap "sh -c 'sudo umount ${mnt} 2>/dev/null; rm -rf ${tmp}'" EXIT INT
+test_ext2() {
+ type=$1
+ img=${tmp}/${type}.img
+ printf "\n===> Prepping \`${img}'\n"
+ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=64 >${img} 2>/dev/null
+ mkfs.${type} -E root_owner ${img} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ sudo mount -o loop ${img} ${mnt} -o rw
+ mkdir -p ${mnt}/dir/subdir
+ echo " ==> Adding \`test' files and links"
+ echo 'Moin!' >${mnt}/test
+ echo 'Moin! from `dir'\' >${mnt}/dir/test
+ echo 'Moin! from `subdir'\' >${mnt}/dir/subdir/test
+ ln -s test ${mnt}/l5
+ ln -s ../l5 ${mnt}/dir/l4
+ ln -s ../l4 ${mnt}/dir/subdir/l3
+ ln -s ../dir/subdir/l3 ${mnt}/dir/l2
+ ln -s ../dir/subdir/../l2 ${mnt}/dir/l1
+ ln -s l1 ${mnt}/dir/ltest
+ ln -s ../../dir/../dir/../dir/../dir/subdir/../../dir/subdir/../subdir/../subdir/../../dir/test ${mnt}/dir/subdir/ltest
+ echo " ==> Adding random small files"
+ i=0; step=123; files=12345
+ for j in $(seq $((files/step))); do
+ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=123 count=1 2>/dev/null | \
+ tee $(printf "${mnt}/dir/random%05d " $(seq $((i+1)) $((i+step)))) >/dev/null
+ i=$((i+step))
+ done
+ echo " => Removing some files to produce gaps"
+ i=0
+ for j in $(seq $((files/step))); do
+ rm $(printf "${mnt}/dir/random%05d " $(seq $((i+2)) 2 $((i+step))))
+ i=$((i+step))
+ done
+ echo " ==> Adding a big file (should be fragmented)"
+ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=30 >${mnt}/random 2>/dev/null
+ echo " ==> Removing some more small files"
+ i=0
+ for j in $(seq $((files/step))); do
+ rm $(printf "${mnt}/dir/random%05d " $(seq $((i+3)) 4 $((i+step))))
+ rm $(printf "${mnt}/dir/random%05d " $(seq $((i+5)) 8 $((i+step))))
+ rm $(printf "${mnt}/dir/random%05d " $(seq $((i+9)) 16 $((i+step))))
+ i=$((i+step))
+ done
+ echo " ==> Adding a big, fragmented, sparse file"
+ for i in $(seq 1 2 8765); do
+ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4K count=1 conv=notrunc \
+ seek=${i} of=${mnt}/dir/subdir/sparse 2>/dev/null
+ done
+ if [ "${type}" = "ext4" ]; then
+ echo " => Increasing sparse file >1GiB"
+ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4K count=1 conv=notrunc \
+ seek=345678 of=${mnt}/dir/subdir/sparse 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ sudo umount ${mnt}
+ test_img ${img}
+test_isofs() {
+ img=${tmp}/test.iso
+ template=${tmp}/ext2.img
+ printf "\n===> Prepping \`${img}'\n"
+ sudo mount -o loop ${template} ${mnt} -o ro
+ mkisofs -o ${img} ${mnt}
+ sudo umount ${mnt}
+ test_img ${img}
+test_img() {
+ img=$1
+ sudo mount -o loop ${img} ${mnt} -o ro
+ cd ${mnt}
+ printf "\n ==> Running simple test for \`test' files\n"
+ ${build}/fstest -d ${img}
+ printf "\n ==> Comparing all file contents"
+ find . \( -name lost+found -prune \) -o ! -type d -printf . \
+ \( -exec sh -c "${build}/fscat -d ${img} {} | cmp - {}" \; \
+ -o \( -exec false {} + -quit \) \)
+ printf " done\n"
+ printf "\n ==> Comparing all file contents (at once)... "
+ sum=$(find . \( -name lost+found -prune \) -o ! -type d \
+ -exec ${build}/fscat -d ${img} {} + | cksum)
+ sum2=$(find . \( -name lost+found -prune \) -o ! -type d -exec cat {} + | cksum)
+ if [ "${sum}" = "${sum2}" ]; then
+ printf "done\n"
+ else
+ printf "FAILED!\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ sudo umount ${mnt}
+test_ext2 ext2
+test_ext2 ext4