First version of Ext2_Block_Map
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b26b103..96bd102 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -44,6 +44,25 @@
-- maximum block size is 64KiB (2^16):
subtype Log_Block_Size is Positive range 10 .. 16;
+ subtype Max_Block_Index is Index_Type range 0 .. 2 ** Log_Block_Size'Last - 1;
+ -- Minimum ext2 block size is 1KiB (two 512B blocks)
+ type FSBlock_Offset is new Block_Offset range 0 .. Block_Offset'Last / 2;
+ type FSBlock_Logical is new Block_Offset range 0 .. Block_Offset'Last / 2;
+ -- We use a 64KiB cache.
+ -- * If that's the block size, only the `Any` entry is used.
+ -- * For a 32KiB block size, `Any` and `Last_Level` (for indirect block
+ -- lookups) are used.
+ -- * For smaller block sizes, the most common case, we cache four blocks.
+ -- For the `Any` entry, we note the logical block address (block offset
+ -- within a file). For the indirect entries, we note the *first* logical
+ -- block that they map.
+ type Block_Cache_Index is (Any, Last_Level, Second_Last_Level, First_Level);
+ type Block_Cache_Type is array (Block_Cache_Index) of FSBlock_Logical;
+ Direct_Blocks : constant := 12;
+ type Direct_Blocks_Array is array (Natural range 0 .. Direct_Blocks - 1) of Unsigned_32;
subtype Inode_Size is Positive range 128 .. Positive (Unsigned_16'Last);
subtype Desc_Size is Positive range 32 .. Positive (Unsigned_16'Last);
@@ -58,6 +77,12 @@
Desc_Size : Ext2.Desc_Size := Ext2.Desc_Size'First;
Feature_Extents : Boolean := False;
Feature_64Bit : Boolean := False;
+ Direct_Blocks : Direct_Blocks_Array := (others => 0);
+ Indirect_Block : Unsigned_32 := 0;
+ Double_Indirect : Unsigned_32 := 0;
+ Triple_Indirect : Unsigned_32 := 0;
+ Block_Cache_Index : Block_Cache_Type := (others => 0);
+ Block_Cache : Buffer_Type (Max_Block_Index) := (others => 16#00#);
end record;
end FILO.FS.Ext2;