FS.FILO: Add access to globals
diff --git a/src/fs-filo.adb b/src/fs-filo.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f92455e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fs-filo.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+with Interfaces.C;
+use Interfaces.C;
+package body FS.FILO is
+   C_Part_Length : unsigned_long
+   with
+      Import         => True,
+      Convention     => C,
+      External_Name  => "part_length";
+   C_File_Max : int
+   with
+      Import         => True,
+      Convention     => C,
+      External_Name  => "filemax";
+   C_File_Pos : int
+   with
+      Import         => True,
+      Convention     => C,
+      External_Name  => "filepos";
+   function Part_Length return Partition_Length is (Partition_Length (C_Part_Length));
+   function File_Max return File_Length is
+   begin
+      if C_File_Max < 0 then
+         return 0;
+      end if;
+      return File_Length (C_File_Max);
+   end File_Max;
+   procedure Set_File_Max (Len : File_Length) is
+   begin
+      C_File_Max := int (Len);
+   end Set_File_Max;
+   function File_Pos return File_Offset is
+   begin
+      if C_File_Pos < 0 then
+         return 0;
+      end if;
+      return File_Offset (C_File_Pos);
+   end File_Pos;
+   procedure Set_File_Pos (Off : File_Offset) is
+   begin
+      C_File_Pos := int (Off);
+   end Set_File_Pos;
+end FS.FILO;